Saturday 20 June 2015


Almonds are known to have great health benefits, some of them are listed below:
  • Almond is a source of many nutrients which help in the development  of brain so these oval nuts are good for brains.
  • Reduce Heart attack risk –A Loma Linda School of Public Health study showed those who consumed nuts five  times a week had a 50% reduction in risk of heart attack.
  • Almond regulates cholesterol.
  • Mono-saturated fat, protein and potassium  contained in almonds are good for the heart.
  • Potassium  present in almond helps to regulates  blood pressure.
  • Build strong bones and teeth with the phosphorus in almonds.
  • Almond improve the movement f food through the colon, thereby preventing colon cancer.
  • In China, almonds are used in a popular dessert where they are mixed with milk and then served hot.
  • Almonds offer protection  from diabetes.
  • Unsweetened almond milk helps one to reduce weight.
  • In Iran, green almonds are dipped in sea salt and eaten as snacks  on street markets , they are called Chaqale badam. Also sweet almonds are used to  prepare a special food for babies, named “harire badam”. In  Iran almonds are added  to some foods, cookies and desserts, or are used  to decorate foods. People in Iran consume roasted nuts in  special events , for example in New Year parties.
  • Almond contain fibre thus help prevent constipation but make sure you drink a lot of water after eating almonds.
  • The bitter almonds is slightly broader and shorter than the sweet almond , and contains about 50% of the fixed oil that occurs in sweet almonds.
  • Almonds boost energy. But one should remember that almonds like any other food have their cons as well so people having kidney and gallbladder problems should avoid eating almonds.


One of the best in taste an d health benefits nuts considered in the world is ‘almond’. The almond is a species of tree native to Middle East and South Asia. Almond is also the name of the edible and widely cultivated seed of this tree. Within the genus Prunus, it is classified with the peach in the subgenus Amygdalus , distinguished from the other subgenera by the corrugated shell(endocarp) surrounding the seed.
The fruit of the almond is a drupe, consisting of an outer hull and a hard shell with the seed or nut ( which is not a true nut) inside. Shelling almonds refers to moving the shell to reveal the seed. Consumers have  new reason to enjoy almonds as researchers have recently announced that nuts not only taste good, but they are also good for you. Almonds  are one of the the most nutritious of all nuts. As more and more consumers become dedicated to healthy life-styles, experts have found that adding natural foods , such as almonds, to your diet may be the prescription for physical wellness in the 21st century.
The almond is a native to the Mediterranean climate region of the Middle East , eastward as far as the inhus. It was spread by humans in ancient times along the shores of the Mediterranean into northern Africa and southern Europe and more recently transported to other part of the world , notably California, United States. They are reach in vitamin E, calcium . phosphorous , iron and magnesium.
It is also contain zinc,selenium,copper and niacin. Almonds contain the most nutrients in comparison to all other nuts.

Sweet almonds are usually eaten and bitter almonds are used to make almond oils. If you think almonds are just for satisfying your mid-afternoon munchies, you are in for a surprise! These tasty tidbits pack a nutritional punch combining tons of essential nutrients  in one very delicious package.

Thursday 18 June 2015


Funny Science Facts
  • The most dangerous animal in the world is the common housefly. Because of their habits of visiting animals waste, they transmit more diseases than any other animal.


  • Snakes are true carnivorous because they eat nothing but other animals. They do not eat any type of plant material
  • The world’s largest amphibian is the gaint salamander. It can grow up to 5 feet in length.
  • 100 years ago: the first virus  was found in both plants and animals.
  • 80 years ago: the food mixer and domestic refrigerator  were invented.
  • A new born blue whale measures 20-26 feet length and weight up to 6.614 pounds.
  • The first coast-to-coast telephone line was established in 1914.
  • The Stegosaurus dinosaur measured up to 30 feet long but had a brain the size of a walnut.
  • It takes approximately 12 hours for food to entirely digest.
  • Tremendous erosion at the base of Niagara Falls (USA)  undermine the shale cliffs and as a result the falls have receded approximately 7miles over the last 10,000 years.

Friday 12 June 2015


Life Cycle

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Every ant colony has one or more queens. Even though the worker ants are female, the queen is the only ant that can lay eggs.
Ant Life Cycle
Newly hatched ants are called callows.

They have highly evolved social systems with three different castes ~ queens, males, and workers. The workers are female, but cannot reproduce. Most of the eggs the queen lays hatch into workers.
Workers are specialized. Some spend their lives tending the eggs and larvae. Other workers forage for food. they leave the nest and when they find food they bring it back to the nest. Some workers defend the nest. 

[Tending larvae]Tending larvae
 Starting a New Colony
At certain times of the year a queen will lay eggs that hatch into new queens and males. When a queen is born, she has wings and flies out of the nest to mate. The males have wings at this time, too, and the queen and a male mate in the air. The males fall to the ground and die soon after or become food for birds or other insects. The queen will find a good place to burrow in and make a safe nest. Her wings fall off. She never has to mate again.
[Foraging at tuna bait]Foraging at tuna bait
Soon she begins to lay eggs. Soon they hatch into larvae, which the queen feeds with her saliva.
 The larvae eventually spin a cocoon; this is the pupa stage. After a few weeks, the new ants emerge. The queen can now retire and just lay eggs. The new worker ants will get food and tend the new larvae and pupae. A new ant colony has begun!
Eventually that queen will lay eggs that will develop into new queens and males. They will fly off and start new colonies.


Ants have been around for over 100 million years! They are believed to have evolved from ancient wasps that nest in the ground.  
There are at least 12,000 identified ant species in the world. Scientists believe there are many more. They are an incredibly successful species, probably due to their complex social organization.
[Ancient ant fossilized in amber]
Ants are placed in the phylum Arthropoda because they have an exoskeleton and jointed legs.
Formica subsericea
Ants are in the class Insecta and have six legs like other insects. Their body is divided into three parts - head, thorax, andabdomen.
Ants belong to the order Hymenoptera and are related related to wasps and bees.
Bee Wasp Ant

The genus and species are different for different speceis for examples - Ghost ant, Odorous house ant, 
 Genus                             Tapinoma: 
Species                            Tapinoma melanocephalum

Friday 5 June 2015

Information about centipede



Body length:

Adult--1/4" to 8"

 These close relatives of insects have thirty legs or more (one per body segment) and range in color from reddish brown to white. House centipedes have extremely long legs extending out all around the body.
Biology and life cycle:
 Incomplete metamorphosis. Eggs are laid in the soil; the resulting nymphs are similar to the adults but shorter and with fewer segments.
 Live in moist, protected places, especially around decaying organic matter--under logs, stones, leaves, bark, and in compost piles, buildings, and basements.
Feeding habits:
 Feed on small insects, including roaches, clothes moths, and house flies, and sometimes plant roots. House centipedes are predaceous; garden centipedes eat plant roots.
Natural control:
 Insectivorous animals.
Organic control:
 None needed. They are actually beneficial. If they become a nuisance indoors, vacuum them up.
Economic importance:
 They have a bite about as powerful as a bee sting, but a bite is rare. They feed on slugs, grubs, worms, cockroaches, ants, and flies, and are considered beneficial around the house.
 The long-legged house centipedes move very rapidly. The large, brightly colored centipedes grow to 8 inches or longer and can inflict a painful bite. We have found them floating in water puddles after rains on top of Enchanted Rock near Fredericksburg. Millipedes look similar but have two legs per segment and do not have a dangerous bite.

Scutigera coleoptrata, the common house centipede, is thought to be native to the Mediterranean. Today it can be found throughout Europe, Asia, and North America

  • Scutigera coleoptrata, the common house centipede, is thought to be native to the Mediterranean. Today it can be found throughout Europe, Asia, and North America.