Thursday 10 September 2015


The Biology Classics: Paramecium
Paramecium is a well known organism in biology – often used in biology classes
 for investigating the characteristics of protozoa.
It is common in ponds throughout the world. 
Paramecium is a good example of cell complexity.
 This tiny living creature has all the systems required for survival packed into a single cell!                                                                                                                                                              

Paramecium bursaria

 Paramecium bursaria

Tuesday 8 September 2015


Characteristics of fish are as follows:-
1.      Fishes are cold blooded mammals. There body's internal temperature is not constant and adjusts according to the environment.
2.      Fishes contain scales that protect them from being injured or infected
3.      Gils make them inhale oxygen in water
4.      Fins help fishes to swim
5.      Fishes can see whatever's happening around them 
6.      Fishes have no ears but still they can sense things and activities taking place in and above the water.
7.      Fishes have unique cells that help them move around water
8.      Fishes can sense the dangers approaching them
9.      Some fishes blend in the environment by changing their color.
10.  By releasing male and female sperms at the same time reproduction takes place
11.  Normally the shape of fishes is cylindrical as to make swimming easy in water
12.  Some fishes have light on their heads as to see through dark and attract their prey