Friday 4 December 2015


Phylum Porifera (Sponges)

                         Members of this phylum are commonly known as sponges.

  • Habitat -

                     They are mostly marine, few are found in fresh water. 

  • Body symmetry - 

                                  Mostly are assymetrical animals, no definite shape to the body.

  • Level of organization - 

                                         These are primitive animals, multicellular with cellular grade of organization. 

  • Motility - 

                         Adult sponges are sessile, that is they need a substratum to attach themselves to a surface and do not move.

  • Mode of Nutrition 

                                       Due to the sessile nature, sponges are filter feeders. 

  • Digestion - 

                           Digestion is intracellular.

  • Skeleton 

                         The body of sponges is supported by a skeleton made of spicules or spongin fibres. 

  • Reproduction -

                                Sexes are not separate, they are hermaphrodites. Hermaphroditism - condition where eggs and sperms are produced by the same individual.Sponges reproduces asexually by fragmentation and sexually by formation of gametes.

  • Fertilization -

                                  Fertilization is internal.

  • Development -

                                Indirect development, having a larval stage which is morphologically distinct from the adult.

  • Water transport or Canal system -

                                  Sponges have water transport system. Water enters through minute pores (ostia) in the body wall into a central cavity known as spongocoel. From the spongocoel water goes out through the osculum. This water system aids in food gathering, respiratory exchange and removal of wastes.

  • Choanocytes 

                            These are collar cells, they line the spongocoel and the canals. 

  • Examples: Sycon, Euspongia, Spongilla.

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                                                                   Image result for SPONGES
Image result for SPONGES

Tuesday 1 December 2015


Classification of Phylum Protozoa:-

Phylum Protozoa divided into two sub-phylums
1. Sub Phylum Plasmodroma
2. Sub Phylum Ciliophora

1. Sub Phylum Plasmodroma

This sub phulum is further divided into 6 super classes.
1. Mastigophora
this divided into 2  classes
a. Phytomastigophora
b. Zoomastigophora
2. Opalinata
this is also divided into 2 classes
a. Hydrailea
b. Autotractea
5.Mesospora or Myxospora
6. Microspora

2. Sub Phylum Ciliophora

This sub phylum divided into 1 super class.

 Super class Ciliata

which is further divided into 3 classes

1. Kinetofragmenophora


3. Polyhymenophora