Friday 20 February 2015


Life cycle of a frog:-
Their are different stages of life cycles of a frog are:-
Each egg hatch into a little tadpole.

The tadpole looks very different from the adult. It can only live in water.
The tadpole undergoes metamorphosis, with a great changes in appearance.

As the tadpole develops into an adult its back legs appear first, followed by its front legs. The tail also shrinks.

Frogs can live on land and in water.
An adult female frog lays a few hundred eggs at a time in the water.
Amazing fact about frog:-
As the body of a tadpole changes, so does its deit!
Adult frogs have a very different diet! from their youngs.
Most tadpoles feed on water plants. Some can also feed on tiny living things in water. Frogs feed on insects.

One an other fact about frog is that it has sticky tongue which is attach on front side and open on back side and frog  attack on the prey a by its tongue and fulfil its need of diet.This fact can be under stand by  observing of the above picture.


 Life cycle of cockroach:-

 Different stages of life cycle of cockroach life cycle are:-

  • Egg
  • Young
  • Adult


The egg are started in on eggcase in the parent's body until the parent finds a suitable place for its young to hatch.


The young are called nymphs. A nymph look like the adult, except that it has no wings are in similari in size.

It moults a few times. That is the nymph sheds its old skin so thats its body can grow bigger.
The nymph grows to become an adult cockroach.


The adult has a pair of wings that allows it to fly.
An adult female cockaroch can lay up to 50 eggs at a time. The eggs are laid in an egg case.


The life cycle of the grasshopper is similar to the life cycle of a cockroach.


Life cycle of Animals:-

What is life cycle?

A life cycle is made up of all the stages of an animal’s life. These stages include the animal entering the world, and undergoing changes, growth, as well as reproduction.
Different animals go through different stages of development in their life cycles. Some animals, such as reptiles, birds, amphibians and some insects and fish, go through a three-stages life cycle. Other animals, such as some insects, go through a four-stage life cycle.
The life cycle of plants start from seed or spores, and not eggs.
The life cycle of plants are different from the life cycles of animals.
Now we will discus the life cycle of animals(chicken).
Life cycles with three stages
Some animals, such as chicken, cockroaches and frogs, have three stages in their life cycles.
The three stages are the egg, the young, the adult. The young of some of these animals look different from the adults.
During the egg stage, the chicken develops inside the egg. The eggshell protects the developing chick. The egg yolk provide the developing chick with food.

The chicken hatches after about three weeks.
The chick looks like its parent.
The chick grows to become a chicken.

A hen( adult female chicken) usually lays one egg each day.

Fact about chicken is that newborn chicks have a hard lump on their beaks, called an egg tooth. The chick uses its tooth to break the shell of its egg. The egg tooth usually falls off within a day after the chicken hatches.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Parasites Life Cycle

Life Cycle of parasite(wasp):-
The life cycle of parasitic wasp’s depends on other animals such as caterpillars. A female parasitic wasp lays its eggs inside a caterpillar. When the wasp larvae hatch, they chew through the caterpillar’s skin from the inside. Then they spin cocoons around themselves as they become pupae. The caterpillas will carry the pupae until the adult wasps emerge from them.
Silk worm life cycle
The silk worm is actually a caterpillar not a worm. Like butterflies larva, silkworms build cocoons to protect themselves during the pupa stage. Inside the cocoon, the pupa transforms into an adult moth.
Silk is a material that silkworms use to make their cocoons. Using the silk excreted from their salivary glands, each silk worm spin a single thread of silk around itself over and over again! The silk will eventually harden into a cocoon.

To get silk, silkworm farmer first boil the cocoons to kill the pupae inside. If the pupae were allowed to grow and emerge as adult from the cocoons, they would break the cocoons in the process. Soaking the cocoons in water also softens them and loosens the  threads. The silk threads can now be remove and spun into silk.
Scientists are now “engineegring” silkworms in laboratories to produce silk with enhanced qualities. The silkworms are given some spider proteins, which allows them to produce stronger, tougher and more elastic silk.
This improved silk could be used to make medical sutures, artificial ligaments and even parachutes! Who would have thought the humble silkworm had such a useful life cycle?