Thursday 19 February 2015

Parasites Life Cycle

Life Cycle of parasite(wasp):-
The life cycle of parasitic wasp’s depends on other animals such as caterpillars. A female parasitic wasp lays its eggs inside a caterpillar. When the wasp larvae hatch, they chew through the caterpillar’s skin from the inside. Then they spin cocoons around themselves as they become pupae. The caterpillas will carry the pupae until the adult wasps emerge from them.
Silk worm life cycle
The silk worm is actually a caterpillar not a worm. Like butterflies larva, silkworms build cocoons to protect themselves during the pupa stage. Inside the cocoon, the pupa transforms into an adult moth.
Silk is a material that silkworms use to make their cocoons. Using the silk excreted from their salivary glands, each silk worm spin a single thread of silk around itself over and over again! The silk will eventually harden into a cocoon.

To get silk, silkworm farmer first boil the cocoons to kill the pupae inside. If the pupae were allowed to grow and emerge as adult from the cocoons, they would break the cocoons in the process. Soaking the cocoons in water also softens them and loosens the  threads. The silk threads can now be remove and spun into silk.
Scientists are now “engineegring” silkworms in laboratories to produce silk with enhanced qualities. The silkworms are given some spider proteins, which allows them to produce stronger, tougher and more elastic silk.
This improved silk could be used to make medical sutures, artificial ligaments and even parachutes! Who would have thought the humble silkworm had such a useful life cycle?

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