Thursday 16 April 2015


There are two factors which causes genetic diversity

  • Mutation
  • Sexual reproduction

Sudden change in genetic material is known as the mutation.
Mutation is a factor which causes genetic diversity.
There are two types of mutations

  • Gene Mutation
  • Chromosomal Mutation

Gene Mutation:-
Change in gene is known as the gene mutation.
e.g blood group has a single gene l in one time their is a mutation occur in gene and its recessive allel form which is "i" and gain mutation occur and "A" and "B" alleles also occur.
So a single blood group trait is know having A,B,AB and O blood group characters.
Chromosomal Mutation:-
Change in number of chromosomes or set of chromosomes is known as the chromosomal mutation.
Their are two types of chromosomal mutation.

  • Euploidy
  • Aneuploidy

This is a type of chromosomal mutation in which the set of chromosomes change.
e.g individual having more than one set of chromosome 2n,3n, or  6n, etc.
wheat having 6 set of chromosome and is known as polylpoidy and this is an example of euploidy.
Change in chromosome number is known as the aneuploidy.
e.g. addition of one chromosome at 21 pair in human and increase in a chromosome number gives 47 numbers of chromosome or Trisomy is an example of aneuploidy.
Sexual Reproduction
Sexual reproduction also produce genetic diversity at two levels.

  • Crossing-Over
  • Random fusion of gametes

During gametes formation their is change in chromosomal material occur which is known as the crossing-over. And due to crossing-over change in the genetic material occur which support the genetic diversity.
Random fusion of gametes:-
Durring the fertilization their is a random fusion of gametes take place which also a factor to cause of genetic diversity.
These are the factors which are responsible for Genetic Diversity production.

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