Sunday 3 May 2015


Classes of vertebrates
Pisces :-
Pisces is a Class in the Subphylum Vertebrata of the Phylum Chordata, so they have all of the characteristics of both of these groups in addition to the following:

  • Skin covered in scales
  • Ectothermic, cold blooded
  • Soft shelled eggs that must be laid in water
  • External fertilization
  • All members are fully aquatic
  • Limbs modified into fins
  • Gas exchange through gills

  • To identify an animal as an amphibian, it should have each of these characteristics:
  •          Amphibians have a backbone. They are vertebrates.
  •          Amphibians are cold-blooded. They cannot regulate their own body temperature.
  •          Amphibians spend at least part of their lives in water and on land.
  •          Amphibians do not have scales and their skin is permeable (molecules and gases can           pass through).
  •          Amphibians have gills for at least part of their lives. Some species have gills only as            larvae, while others can have gills throughout their lives.
  •           Most amphibians go through metamorphosis.
To identify an animal as a reptile, it should have each of these characteristics:
·         Reptiles have a backbone. They are vertebrates.·         Reptiles are covered in scales.·         Reptiles breathe with lungs.·         Most reptiles lay eggs. Some reptiles, like the boa constrictor, give birth to live young.·         Almost all reptiles are cold-blooded. One of the exceptions is the leatherback sea turtle, which can regulate its body temperature to some degree.

Aves is a Class in the Subphylum Vertebrata of the Phylum Chordata, so they have all of the characteristics of both of these groups in addition to the following:

  • Waterproof skin covered in feathers
  • Endothermic, warm blooded
  • Hard shelled eggs that are waterproof (cleidoic - closed egg)
  • Beak or bill rather than teeth
  • Bipedal (walk on two legs only)
  • Forelimbs developed into wings
  • Most members are highly adapted for flight with forelimbs modified as wings and many weight saving features such as hollow bones
Mammal Characteristics:-

·         All mammals are warm blooded.

·         Most young are born alive.

·         They have hair or fur on their bodies.

·         Every mammal is a vertebrate.

·         All mammals have lungs to breathe air.

·         Mammals feed milk to their babies.

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