Sunday 29 November 2015


Characteristics of Invertebrates

General characteristics of invertebrates are as follows:

  • The main characteristic that separates invertebrates from other organisms is the absence of the spinal column and backbone.
  • They are multicelluar organisms, they completely lack cell walls.
  • They are devoid hard bony endoskeleton. 
  • Due to the lack of complex skeletal systems, some invertebrates tend to be slow and small in nature. 
  • Due to the lack of the backbone and complex nervous system the invertebrates cannot occupy mulitple environments, though they are found in the harshest of the environments. 
  • Invertebrates live all over the world in various habitats.
  • Body is divided into three parts - head, thorax and the abdomen.
  • They do not have lungs for respiration.
  • Respiration is through skin.
  • Some invertebrate groups possess a hard, chitinous exoskeleton. 
  • Most of them have tissues, that are specific organization of cells.
  • Most of them reproduce sexually by the fusion of the male and female gametes. 
  • Few invertebrates like the sponges are sedentary, but most of the organisms are motile. 
  • Most invertebrates are organized with symmetric body organization.
  • They can not make their own food, are heterotrophs.

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