Tuesday 2 February 2016

Examples of Vertebrates

Below are the examples of vertebrates:

Pisces: Sharks, trouts, eels, tunas, seahorse, pirahnas, salmons, etc.

Amphibians: Salamanders, frogs, toad, newts, caecilians, etc.

Reptiles: Snakes, lizards, tortoise, turtles, crocodiles, gharials, alligators, etc.

Birds: Penguins, emu, eagles, ostrich, parrot, crow, pigeon, ducks, owls, kites, robins, woodpeckers, albatross etc.

Mammals: Kangaroo, echidna, platypus, bats, mice, tigers, moles, dolphins, whales, deer, gorrilas, lemurs, rabbits, wolves, lions, leopards, jackals, etc.

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