Thursday 4 February 2016

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

Detailed View of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell

Differences between Prokaryotic cells and Eukaryotic cells

                                  Prokaryotic Cells                                Eukaryotic Cells
 They are very minute in size. They are comparatively larger in size.
  Nuclear region (nucleoid) is not enveloped by a nuclear membrane.  Nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane layer.
  Single chrmosome present.  More than one chromosome are present.
 Nucleolus is absent. Nucleolus is present.
 Membrane bound organelles are absent. Membrane bound organelles are present.
 Multiplication of cell is by fission or budding.  Cell division by mitosis or meiosis.
 Cell Walls presnt, which are chemically complex. Cell walls seen in only plant cells, which are chemically simpler. 
 Cell type is usually unicellular.Usually multicellular cells. 

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