Friday 6 March 2015


Garden habitat:-

A garden habitat usually  exist in warm conditions and contain a varity of organisms. The trees and bushes in the garden provide food , shelter and shade for the animals.

The organisms live in garden habitat they live on the trees, bushes or the ground below.

Organisms live in the garden habitat:-

  • Myanh,
  •  Butterfly,
  •  Grasshopper,
  •  Bee,
  •  Fern,
  •  Hilbiscus etc.

Seashore habitat:-

Many animals at the seashorecan be found among the rocks, in the sand or underwater. The waves bring in food for some of the animal. Other animals, such as the seagull, go to the seashore to get their food. This habitat can be dry or submerged in water at different times.

Many animals like at the seashore can survive both on land and in water.

Some examples of seashore are seagull,

  •  clam,
  •  hermit crab,
  •  starfish,
  •  algae,
  •  seaweed etc.


Mangrove habitat:-

The mangrove habitat is usually hot  and covered in seawater.
The mangrove trees, with their aerial roots , provide food and shelter for many organisms in this habitat.

  • Sea snake,
  •  Mudskipper,
  •  Egret,
  •  Monkey,
  • Fiddler crab,
  •  Alligator etc.
  • Desert habitat:-
  • A desert is a sandy and ricky place that receives so little rain that most plants cannot survive in it. It is very hot during the day but gets very cold at night.
  • The desert is very hot and dry during day time.
  • Horned lizard,
  •  scorpion,
  •  cactus ,
  • rattlesnake,
  •  camel,
  •  drug beetle etc.

Arctic habitat:-
The arctic is extremely cold, snowy windy. However, there are organisms that can survive these harsh conditions.
The soil in the arctic is mostly covered with snow or small plants.
  • Snow owl,
  •  salmon,
  •  Polar bear,
  •  Arctic fox,
  •  Walrus
  •  and Lichen etc.

Leaf liter habitat:-

A habitat that occupy a small area is called a microhabitat.

A leaf litter habitat is an example of a microhabitat. It is made up of dead plant materials such as leaves, bark and small branches that have fallen to the ground. It is usually cool, dark and damp.

Some small animals, fungi and plants can be found in the leaf litter habitat.

For example:-

  • Centipede,
  • Fungi,
  • Milipede,
  • Scropion,
  • Woodlouse, and Earthworm.

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