Friday 6 March 2015



Habitat is a place where any organism is live.

We can also define the habitat as the address of an

 organism is known as habitat of an organism.

There are different types of habitat:-

  • Pond habitat
  • Field habitat
  • Garden habitat
  • Seashore habitat
  • Mangrove habitat
  • Desert habitat
  • Arctic habitat
  • Leaf litter habitat
These are the different habitats due to different factors both living and non-living factors determine the habitat and each habitat support the different life. For example pond habitat has different life(plants and animals/flora and fana) from field habitat.The life of each habitat is different from other.Field habitat:-
A field may look like a habitat, but it is actually home to many types of plants and animals! Some animals can be found among the plants, some on the ground and some in the soil.The field is normally look like that it has no any organism but in reality the field is the home of many different organisms.Amazing fact about the field organisms:-There is a difficulty face during organisms searching. This is due to that these animals have ways to hide among the plants! They can blend in with their surrounding to escape danger or to help them catch their food.For example to see the grasshopper in the field habitat is difficult because it blends well with the colour of the leaf.

Some examples o
f field habitat organisms:-

Bee, Spider, Snake, Termite, Earthworm etc.Pond Habitat:-

The pond habitat includes a small land area outside the edge of the pond. Many organisms live in or near the pond. The pond is home and source of food and water for organisms. Some organism depend on plants that grow in or near the pond for food and shelter.

The pond is the home of many organisms, such as amphibians and insects, in and around the pond.

Examples of pond habitat organisms:-
Frog, Water lily, Fish, Pond skater, Duck, Water hyacinth etc.

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