Friday 6 March 2015


What is a habitat?

Living things in a place are known as Organisms.

The place where an organism live known as habitat.

A habitat provides organisms with every thing they need to survive, such as food and water. It os also a place for them to live and reproduce.

Organisms seldom live alone. There are usually others of the some kind nearby.

A population is a group of organisms of the same kind that  live together. They reproduce in the same place.

Different populations of plants and animals in a habitat form a community. The organisms within a community interact with one another and the non-living things around them.

For example grassland habitat has populations of different animals and plants that live here make up a community.

There are different types of habitats in the world. They can be huge, such as a desert, or small such as a pond. In each of these habitats, there is a variety of plants and animals.

The ocean has the greatest proportion of all life on Earth. This enormous habitat is about 300 times the size of all other habitats on earth put together.

The ocean is home to many interesting plants and animals.

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