Saturday 30 January 2016

Phylum Annelida (Segmented worms)

  • Habitat - They may be aquatic either marine or fresh water; or terrestrial; free-living and sometimes parasitic.
  • Level of organization - They exhibit organ-system level of body organization and bilateral symmetry.
  • Body wall - They are triploblastic.
  • Coelom - They are coelomate animals.
  • Body is metamerically segmented. The body surface is distinctly marked out into segments of metameres and hence, the phylum name Annelida.
  • Locomotion - They possess longitudinal and circular muscles which help in locomotion.
  • Aquatic annelids posses lateral appendages, parapodia which help in swimming.
  • Circulatory system is closed.
  • Osmoregulation and excretion is by Nephridia.
  • Neural system - It consists of paired ganglia connected by lateral nerves to a double ventral nerve cord.
  • Nereis is dioecious, but earthworm and leeches are monoecious.
  • Reproduction is sexual.
  • Examples: Nereis, Pheretima (earthworm), and Hirudinaria (blood sucking leech)

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