Saturday 30 January 2016


Vertebrates are the most organized organisms on Earth. They belong to the sub-phylum Vertebrata. They are not the most numerous group of animals, they are the most advanced group of animals.The characteristics that makes vertebrates special are the presence of the spinal cords, vertebrae and notochords.

Most vertebrates have a very well developed nervous system. The vertebrates also have muscles and skeletons which help them move around efficiently and perform a complex moves.

 Vertebrates include the majority of the Phylum Chordate, having about 64,000 species described. Vertebrates make about 4% of all described species.

Vertebrates have a long history on earth - more than 500 million years, from the Cambrian era until date. First Vertebrates have said to be appeared around the Cambrian period of the Paleozoic era about 525 million years ago, they are said to be adapted to feeding algae in shallow waters and moving around from place to place. 

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