Saturday 30 January 2016

Phylum Arthropoda

  • It is the largest phylum of the Animalia.
  • It includes insects, spiders, crayfish, etc.
  • Level of organization - They have organ-system level of organization.
  • Body symmetry - They are bilaterally symmetrical.
  • Body wall - triploblastic, segmented. Coelomate animals.
  • The body of arthropods is covered by chitinous exoskeleton.
  • Body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen.
  • Jointed appendages - arthros - jointes, poda - appendages, hence the name is derived from this characteristic.
  • All the arthropods have jointed appendages which give arthropods a wide range of controlled motions.
  • Respiration is through organs like gills, book gills, book lungs or tracheal system.
  • Circulatory system - It is of open type.Sensory organs are present, antennae, eyes (compound and simple), statocysts or balance organs are present.
  • Excretion - It takes place through malphigian tubules.
  • Mostly they are dioceious. Fertilization is usually internal.
  • They are oviparous animals.
  • Development may be direct or indirect.
  • Examples: Honey bee, Silkworm, Lac insect, Mosquitoes, Locust, Crab
  • Image result for arthropods examples

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